Birth-Age 5 with a caregiver. No registration necessary.
This book meets on the second Monday of every month in our Sky Room and discusses a variety of fiction titles including romance, mystery, contemporary, and thriller.
Join us for a wacky time with family! We'll supply clear canvas for each person to make an unconventional painting of their family members. Don't worry about the paint either, we have that covered. Laugh and get messy together!
By participating in or attending any library event, program, or class, visitors may be photographed by library staff. The library reserves the right to use these photographs for publicity purposes in printed materials and online. If you or a family member prefer not to be photographed, please inform the library staff in charge before the event begins.
Behind or new to technology? Come to our Tech 101 classes for adults to learn beginner level computer and smart device tips in small, exclusive tutoring sessions with our technology librarian Ms. Roxanne.